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Killer Applications Technical Details

Electricity Distribution Tower Testing-Technical Details

The tilt sensor acts as the feedback sensor in a servo controlled loop which applies tension at exactly the required angle for the test schedule
The tilt sensor is attached to the test cable where it is fixed to the tower -high up.
An array of such sensors under computer control tests the tower under all possible variations of load and stress.
Where the test is carried out to the point of catastrophic failure, the sensors fall from there position up on the tower down to the ground.
Shock levels are hard to estimate, but the key fact to note is this practical test is far more severe than laboratory shock tests where shocks are only administered to the test sensor a small number of times.

Fish Attitude Sensor-Technical Details

For these studies not all the fish in a shoal need to be instrumented (unfortunately). This is because the shoals swim more or less in the same direction.
The ultrasonic echo from a shoal depends on the cross section the fish presents to the incoming beam
-head on gives a smaller echo than side-on for instance.
Technically the design problems were to make the sensor as small as possible as light as possible and very low power consumption to give a long battery life.

Oil Production Platform Construction-Technical Details

This is a surveying type of application where conventional techniques using theodolites won't work because the whole structure is floating, and hence in continual motion.
This makes it impossible to set the theodolite level before commencing Measurements.
We solved the problem by installing reference sensors on the base of the platform, and sending the measured angles by radio telemetry all over the site.
A remote receiver picked up these measurements, and using a difference technique, enabled the theodolite reference plane to be accurately aligned with the original datum plane
Alignment accuracy over the height of the continuously cast concrete towers placed the top of the towers to within 100mm.
This was necessary so that the concrete deck, which was made at another site, could be dropped over the towers and locate into the correct positon.
After construction the platform was towed to its intended location and sunk carefully onto the sea bed leaving only the top 10 metres of what is shown on the picture above the sea surface.
During the construction of this massive structure, concrete was mixed and poured at the rate of 12000 cubic metres per week.
The base of the structure is bigger than London's Trafalgar Square and over 3 metres thick.
Our sensors were accurate enough to measure the minute bending of this base caused by the wave action of a passing ferry.

Spacecraft Guidance Testing-Technical Details

As well as the need to carefully design the sensors so they don't give off gases which increase the time taken to pump down the test chamber to high vacuum, the very wide range of temperatures and pressure make this a very demanding application.
We used microprocessor techniques and sophisticated algorithms to leverage the system accuracy and reduce drift to less than 0.02%/degree Celsius.

Polar Ice Cap Studies-Technical Details

At -40 to -50 Centigrade most mechanical sensors freeze solid or their stiction increases due to frozen lubricating oil. Our sensors get a bit sluggish as the liquid cools down but it doesn't freeze so there is still NO hysteresis and NO stiction.

Pile Drilling-Technical Details

A particular application of note was in monitoring the attitude of a pile being driven into a bank. Continuous vibration levels up to 12g at 50Hz were encountered, the equipment was designed to measure angles of up to 30 degrees to an accuracy of 2 minutes of arc.

Radiation Environments-Technical Details

Applications where the ELECTROLEVEL Transducer has been specified for use in a high radiation environment are:-

Monitoring the reinforced concrete walls of Nuclear Fuel Storage Bunkers;

Attitude control in remotely operated robots for Nuclear Power Station maintenance and decomissioning.

Gun Muzzle Clinometer-Technical Details

This application demonstrates the ability of the ELECTROLEVEL to survive the shock environment experienced by equipment mounted directly on the barrel of a large calibre gun.
In the proving trials the equipment measured gun droop satisfactorily and consistently after firing some hundreds of rounds of ammunition involving shock levels as high as 400g.
For further details of this application refer to the sales office.

Rail Mounted Cranes-Technical Details

Any rail mounted vehicle experiences the out of level or "cant" of the track, which is deliberately banked up on bends so that passenger trains travelling over it at nominal speed don't get pushed to one side by the centrifugal forces, and so their coffee doesn't spill.
When doing maintenance or breakdown recovery with rail mounted cranes, the safe working load depends on which side of the train the jib is operating and how much cant there is.
The transducer measuring this cant angle must not only survive the harsh environment of the train bogie, but must be fail safe, so that any failures in the transducer or its associated electronics, result in a false positive alarm (failsafe) rather than no alarm when there should be one.
The design study for this contract included the development and implementation of a packaging system for the electronics to withstand not only the shock-induced stresses, but also fatigue induced failures caused by the repeated application of such shocks .

Badger-Technical Details

Key specifications for this application are very low battery drain for a long service life, and small size and weight to cause minimum intrusion to the animal's quality of life.

All information herein is beleived to be correct but no liability is accepted by Tilt Measurement Limited for any application in respect of fitness of purpose, infringement of intellectual property rights,or consequential loss or damage howsoever caused.

ã 2008 Tilt Measurement Limited